Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Mushrooms + Lunar Boy Gallery = LOVE

On a recent trip back to my beautiful, green, wonderful Pacific Northwest, my mate Jessica (aka eekasan) and I ducked into Lunar Boy Gallery in Astoria, Oregon. I had a handful of my latest miniature works -- hand-carved wooden mushrooms in situ (with "moss' and "trees" and original illustration backdrops) -- framed with jenga pieces!

Our timing couldn't have been better. They had an opening scheduled for that Saturday and promptly put all five of my pieces up for the event.

If you're in the Astoria area, stop by Lunar Boy (240 11th Street, Astoria, OR 97103) and have a gander. I'll be sending more creations their way soon. You can also view and/or purchase online --> HERE!

Visit cookiechang.etsy.com and give cookie some love on facebook!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Lucia Debrazi is Sleeping with the Fishes TRAILER

A little teaser as I work on my latest project.

Full length movie coming in 2012! All props (carved wooden mushrooms, etc.), characters, sets created by Ramey Holsman (aka cookie chang).
Contact me for commissions!
SHOP http://cookiechang.etsy.com/
VISIT http://cookiechang.com/
BLOG http://cookiechang.blogspot.com/
all images and sound copyright ©2011 Ramey Holsman

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

cookie chang commercial

Here's my latest project! A stop motion animation promoting my artwork. I'll write more  about creating all the props, characters, sets (including carved wooden mushrooms) later.

Music: "cookie chang kicks it like an art machine" written and recorded by Ramey Holsman

Contact me for commissions! And visit cookiechang.etsy.com

Kpie voice and easel paintings by Kate Cooper kpie88.etsy.com.

all images and sound copyright ©2011 Ramey Holsman

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Lucia Debrazi is sleeping with the fishes.

"Lucia Debrazi is sleeping with the fishes." ©ramey holsman
I love my little sister. Well, I love ALL three of my sisters, but Melly is my crafting and overall creative BUDDY. She inspires and encourages me with her creativity and various projects . . . and each week she and her best mate Jeri give a crafting challenge on their blog, Weekly JeM. I don't always get a chance to do each challenge specifically, so I try to bend what I'm working on to make sense with theirs.

This week was a S-T-R-E-T-C-H!! The challenge was "to be creative with something that starts with the letter 'B'." So what does an altered doll with hand-stamped and painted anchovies in an anchovy tin have to do with the letter "B"? Well, the Spanish equivalent to an anchovy is a "Boquerone!" See what I mean?  S-T-R-E-T-C-H.

I'd been toying with this idea after making homemade pizzas recently. Anchovies always used to scare me, but now I love them! And the tins are classic. So I washed one and thought of ways to use it. The famous "Godfather" line kept going through my head every time I looked at it . . . "Luca Debrazi is sleeping with the fishes."

So here's how I started. First, we needed some "fishes."

I sketched an anchovy on a rubber block, carved it, made adjustments here and there, then stamped 'em out on card stock and painted each one with metallic enamel paints. They felt right at home in the tin . . .

Then I got into my secret stash of bendy dolls and altered accordingly. I don't have a secret stash of bendy boy dolls, so this is how Lucia Debrazi "got made."

I'm not quite done with this project. So if you don't stay tuned, I'll make you an offer you can't refuse . . .

While you're waiting, check out my art shop! cookiechang.etsy.com

Friday, 3 June 2011

Dad's Daughter Part 2: Git Me a Gate.

New gate from the front.
As this has been one of the driest springs on record here in Jolly Olde England, I'm taking full advantage of the sun and dry weather . . . and have completed the majority of projects I could only dream of doing during the harsh winter months. Take our side gate. No, PLEASE, take our side gate! Can you say 20+ year old, rotted wood held together by 20+ coats of paint?

old gate back in 2009
I actually took this photo two summers ago after trying to breathe the last breath of life into it with red and black gloss. By the time I took the crow bar to it yesterday, we were having to lift it with the door handle any time we went in or out. Pain in der bottom.

Soooo . . . I took some measurements, drew up a little plan, hopped into my trusty Corsa and headed down to Mid Sussex Timber. I was after some good ol' 2x4s and featheredge boards. That's it, I was determined to reuse everything else from the old gate, including hinges, springs and latches. (And I did!)

I do have to say builders' joints (at least here), clearly don't get too many women through their doors. I take it in stride, but guys, don't ignore me for a full 2 minutes when I'm standing at the counter right in front of you. It's not only rude, it makes you look stupid. At least the man who helped me choose the straightest boards and put them in the car for me didn't act like he was from the dark ages. Plus, he clued me in to a really great deal on some rough 2x4s -- 75 pence per meter -- and even cut them down to 1.8mtr lengths at no extra charge.

New gate from the back
I knew exactly how I was going to construct the new gate, the ONLY problem I ran into was not having a skill saw. Let me tell you, it is not easy cutting a straight 45 degree angle through a 2x4 with a jigsaw. But I made it work. OK, it's not completely perfect, and I'm seriously considering adding a skill saw to my tool kit, but it is one sturdy gate and I happen to be terribly proud of it!

As I decided to go with the standard 1.8mtr board lengths, there was a 5 inch gap at the top (which was bugging Kpie), so I cut a scrap piece of MDF from our recent loft conversion, screwed it to the door frame and slapped some black gloss on it. Bob's your uncle. And the new gate just got two coats of satin "antique pine" stain, so let's hope it lasts for another 20+ years!

Father's Day is quickly approaching and I just want to say again, "Thank you for teaching me to hammer a nail when I was just knee high to a cricket Dad. I LOVE YOU!"

(Stop by my etsy shop to check out some of my art. The minute it starts to rain I'll be up in our tree house studio creating more!)

Thursday, 26 May 2011

the hapa haole hoco hula hut

Part 2 of Dad's Daughter: Shed and Shed Byproducts . . . Well, the paint has been chosen and applied and our new shed (now named "the hapa haole hoco hula hut") is well on its way to finding its own personality! Sure, it has to do some work along the way, housing shovels and weed-eaters, paint and wood scraps, but we'll be adding all kinds of other things to make it a proper clubhouse too -- starting with the chimnea just outside the front door and some repositioned garden art I painted two years ago.

Getting there...

Interior painted white to seal the wood and bring a little more light inside.
Poppy's still feeling guilty for killing a bumblebee and smashing a potato plant!

I did some extra work on the picket fence, giving it a coat of paint and lobbing off the tops that accentuated (even more) its uneven installation. But hey, it's living its third life now after taking it down when I replaced it with the new panels. According to our neighbor, it's as old as the hills and oak, so I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. Besides, as a Pacific Northwest native, I'm continuously shocked by the price of timber in the UK! So I also turned some of it into an enclosure for our compost pile.

The bike shed got the same paint as the hapa haole hoco hula hut and its little birch branch handle shined up nicely with two coats of varnish.

Bike shed made from the roof and door of the old shed.

All in all, I'm pretty derned pleased with this project! Stay tuned for the next one.
And don't forget to visit cookiechang.etsy.com

Monday, 16 May 2011

Dad's Daughter, Part 1: Shed and Shed Byproducts

I was busy busy last week! Monday started with ordering a basic overlap 7' x 5' wooden shed at ilikesheds.com to replace the 20+ year old one we inherited when we bought this house. It was, as they say in this neck of the woods, "knackered." I'd replaced the roof two years ago, which gave its demise a little reprieve (and another 5,000 spiders a place to call home), but we'd squeezed as much life out of it as we were going to and it was time to replace it.

What I wasn't expecting was ilikesheds.com to give me a delivery date of Saturday. They advertised an 8-10 day delivery time, so I had to beat cheeks and get a whole bunch 'o stuff done if I was going to be ready for its speedy arrival. But what really scared me was not knowing if I could actually pull off putting one of these puppies together properly. (I'm trying not to show too much of the wonky fencing I put up prior to the shed roof two years ago.)

I learned early on from my father that if you're not sure how to do something, you can do as much research as you want, but there's nothing like just jumping in and getting your hands on something to really understand what you're working with. My way to do that was to see how it was put up by, well, tearing it down! So, here's how it went . . .

old shed after replacing the roof two years ago
Monday Afternoon:
1.) Pulled everything out of the shed and drove a carload of recyclable items to the tip (dump).

2.) Ripped off felting (tar paper) and removed all but two screws from each roof board (8' x 3.25'), then asked Kpie for help to ease them down. These were still in perfect condition after two years, so I set them aside and imagined ways to use them while disassembling the rest of the shed panels.

1.) Finished breaking up the old shed panels – setting aside the door and any usable support beams that still had life in them – then tied all the boards into manageable bundles and fit them ALL in my tiny Vauxhall Corsa.

2.) Tearing the floor apart was a little more difficult than I'd anticipated. Waterlogged corners ripped apart easily, but water resistant MDF is one tough cookie and I had to rely on my little sledge hammer and crow bar to break the rest of it down into small enough chunks to fit into the spaces left in the car. Then it was off to the tip in Crawley.

3.) After a little lunch and a game of "kick the ball 'til I goes crazy" with Poppy, I began prying all the concrete slabs up to see what I had to work with for the foundation. The ground was incredibly sloped and uneven and it was easy to see why the shed had become so distorted in the end. I managed to level four slabs and decided to call it a day.

Wednesday & Thursday:
I love dreams. I woke up Wednesday morning knowing exactly what I was going to do with those roof boards. They were destined to become a new bike shed on the patio! A little sketch and some simple mathematics later and I had my jigsaw and drill out for the next two days. I'm pleased to say that every last bit of material (wood, old shed door, screws, hinges, felting, wood glue and paint), I'd either salvaged from the shed or tucked away from our recent loft conversion. I didn't have to go to the store for any bit of this!

weathershield undercoat – final colors to be decided

lid up and top half removable for easy access
The finished bike shed is large enough to fit two bikes diagonally, along with a few other bikey bits and bobs. The top half slides off for easy access and the hinged stand has a hook and chain just in case a gust of wind blows the lid back. (After getting smashed on the shoulder when a shed panel blew over on Monday, I thought a little safety paranoia wasn't such a bad idea.)  The handle is a piece of curved birch branch from the Ashdown. I'll take it off and varnish it while the final coat of paint goes on. We'll decide on colors in the next day or two -- update to follow.

new shed floor on concrete slabs
Back to filling and leveling the ground for those concrete blocks . . . BACKBREAKING WORK! But I gotter done and after a well-deserved cold one, home delivery tandoori king prawn jalfrezzi from our favorite takeaway, Ruchi, and a sound sleep . . .

Bright and early 6:55am delivery of our new flat-pack shed! These guys had started in Nottinghamshire at 2am and already made three deliveries by the time they got to us. They even helped me carry the roof board and floor panel down to the end of the garden. Nice.

corner pieces added after this photo was taken
I decided to give the neighbors a break and started assembling everything a couple hours later.  By the time Kpie returned at 3:30pm I had four walls up and we both put the roofing on together! All done by 6pm . . . and I don't need to explain that I couldn't move on Sunday. But hey, we've got a new shed/clubhouse. Stay tuned for paint and further clubhouse embellishments – including a cozy campfire spot.

And Dad, thanks for teaching me how to hit a nail when I was just knee high to a cricket ;-). A hammer for every grrl!!!

Check out my art and art byproducts at cookiechang.etsy.com.