Tuesday, 3 June 2008

NEW! crumfiti uk POSTCARD & BADGE pack!

check it out! cookiechang.etsy.com
Includes: all 7 crumfiti postcards, 1 crumz badge (pin-back button)
and FREE MAGNET in a glossy, 4-color pack ...are you kidding?
Get yours today!


Melanie said...

And I'm laughing because your voice sounds oddly familiar....
like mine! :)

ramey holsman said...

Cain't hardly help it -- we're sisterz! (At least I haven't developed a fake British accent like McDonna.)

Little Bolshevik said...

Hi Ramey:
glad to be able to catch up with your blogs and what you've been up to!

ramey holsman said...

Thanks for reading Steph! Look forward to meeting you when you hop the pond :-)